Tuesday, December 28, 2010


     So I have begun a new adventure that is taking me from my ususal comfort zone of writing modern paranormals into uncharted territories. I have embarked on a Historical Novel entitled Avery's Journal, a story about a woman who lived her life outside the proper British expectation to became a Pirate. The WIP is something which has been simmering in my head for about ten years now, but recently Avery (my main character) has been clamoring to have her story told.
     And so, I have embarked upon a new journey testing the waters of the world of Historical writing. I am finding much more difficult than writing in modern day settings and my respect for those wonderful pioneers of this genre has risen exponentially.
     I am having to do much more researh to be sure I am using proper therms of speech, correct fashions for the time period and also the sailing lingo (after all it is a pirate story) beacuse I have not an inkling how to sail much less how to write about sailing in the 18th century. 
     For now I am just glossing over some of the lingo and historically correct accounts and just focusing on the writing itself. I can always do more research and add the information later but as long as Avery is calling to me, I can do no less than answer.
     Perhaps I can search out some firends who write mostly historicals and see if they have any advise or trusted resources, until then I'll let Avery take the helm and just sit back and enjoy where ever she decides to take me.

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