Friday, December 24, 2010


Each day my husband comes home from work, sets down his tools or what ever else he happens to be carrying, hangs up his coat greets the kids and asks the age old question to each of them in turn, "How was your day?" They each answer telling him what ever teenage (or 9 year old) drama had befallen them that day or give the more common response of "Nothing." which I mean really, Nothing? they left the house for eight hours and did abousoloutly nothing, what did they lock them selves into an empty box for the day? Kids!!!! Any way, after hearing the kids rattle off their often unenthused and verrying responses he finally ambles over my way and gives me a small hello kiss. I know then that it is comming. It is inevitable as the dawn of a new day so I wait.... and BINGO, "What did you do today?" Of course my mind sifts through all the possible answers, dishes, laundry, saving the world from blood sucking vampires (after all I am a writer), wow I was busy today, as my mind tries to process all this I smile and simply shrug. "Nothing." I reply. Wow, maybe my kids arent as crazy as I thought!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing? As if saving the world from blood sucking vampires isn't enough? I think we all tend to diminish what we do in a day. How much of a difference we make in the numerous, small even insignificant interactions we share along the path of life. Yet, what we do matters. It matters to those with whom we interact. It matters in that each interaction changes us in some way. Leaving us more enriched, more angry or more fulfilled.
    Still if you ask me what I did today, writing in a friends blog would not come to mind. Yet perhaps in some smallish way that will keep the vampires at bay one more hour.
