Well it has been a rough couple of years for me and I haven't progressed much on the writing front. The truth is I have been my own worst enemy. I have let life get in the way of my writing instead of making my writing part of my life. I let a few rejections get to me instead of taking them in stride and letting them make me more determined. I have lost sight on why I write. I forgot the joy it brings me, the escape from life's every day stresses that helps keep my sanity intact, and the rush I get when my worlds and characters become so real that they take on a life of their own.
I resolve from this day to bring writing back into my life. To write a little something every day and to push myself to publish the works I have already finished while working on the projects that need completion.
This cowgirl is climbing back into the saddle and I'm going to hold on tight until I am riding easy once more.
Write and free your soul. Breath life into characters and bring their story to the light...